Do you remember how we met?

It (probably) started with a simple message

Do you remember how we met?

Based on my very unscientific research, there’s about a 67% chance it started with a simple, unsolicited message.

An email “out of the blue.” A cold email, that is.

It wasn’t an ice-cold email, though, because I did my research. I understood well what might resonate with you, which is likely why you responded.

And here we are — once complete strangers — today, regularly chatting about entrepreneurship worldwide. (At the end of this email, you’ll get a preview of what’s coming in the next few weeks.)

Our team has cranked out several new stories this year, but you may have noticed I’ve skipped a Wednesday email or two.

Let me explain why.

I’m knee — no, neck — deep in product creation work. Damn close to the finish line of something I’ve poured hundreds of hours into over the last couple of years.

The core product I’m creating is based on how to start conversations with cold emails.

It’s the culmination of everything I’ve learned in:

  • 10+ years writing and sending cold emails in B2B roles

  • 3+ years refining a proprietary cold email copywriting framework (FIRE)

  • 1.5 years leading a weekly group coaching call (focused on cold email)

See, the ability to start conversations with strangers — not only prospective customers but investors, mentors, vendors, partners, podcast guests, etc. — is a fundamental (and powerful) skill for early-stage founders and entrepreneurs.

There’s magic in creating conversations out of thin air. Magic in moving your business forward with limited resources. Magic in making connections that lead to mutually beneficial relationships.

Do you want some of that magic?

Reply with a quick ‘YES!’ and you’ll get a personal note from me with more info about how to start conversations with cold emails.

🔎 Watchlist

Many more feature stories are in the works for you this year!

Joseph Simbar is a 3-time founder (1 exit) from Indonesia. Joseph has experience working in multiple countries and has bootstrapped and built VC-funded companies. Today, he’s playing in the AI space to help businesses ‘connect, engage, and increase conversions.’

In Málaga, Spain, Catalina Opazo is quietly building a coworking empire alongside a co-branded design firm. Her ambition is contagious, her story is inspiring, and she’s built an impressive community of loyal customers as she continues to grow her entrepreneurial reputation here in our hometown.

Stay tuned for more,

Nolan Bulger

P.S. The core product I’m referring to in this email is less than $50.